Emily's trip from Baltimore, MD to Monterey, CA on a 98 Yamaha YZF600R

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Baltimore, MD - T minus 7days

Well gang, here it is - the blog for the big trip.

Figure 1.1 - Map of Emily's Proposed Route

Proposed Itinerary... so far:

Here through WV and KY... then probably up to sister sarah's in Chicago, IL for a few days. - hippy commune near Bloomington, IN - ex boyfriend in Wagoner, OK - the Crater! near Flagstaff, AZ - then maybe to Phoenix, AZ - then some random route crossing into CA - home at Monterey, CA in tim
e for the MOTO GP! woot! woot!

In the mean time, I've moved all my stuff to CA, via airplane, and having finished up at my house, I'm now a vagrant! Or sort of - luckily I have some amazing friends who've set me up while I finish projects on campus - making a few extra dollars before the trip.

With limited monies, I've come up with a few
nifty things that I'm going to take with me on my trip:
Personal tent - which i've had practice using at the racetrack already - $15
Flexible tripod (for mounting a camera that will time lapse the journey) - $5
Clear document pouch - with magnets glued on - for holding my maps (no I don't have enough money for a tank bag) - $5

The experience should be most exciting - and I've decided the motto for the trip will most definitely be that "It is better to ask for forgiveness than permission."

About the bike: Since crashing last month on the track, it's suffered umm cosmetic damage - so it's not going to turn so many heads at the moment... but nothings going to fall off it... an
d it has a new brake reservoir - which means that i have brakes again - yay! And so... the trip is a go!


Blogger Emily Cohan said...

oh and i chose this format because it made me feel like i was in a microsoft commercial :D

12:39 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

*hums the Long Way Round theme*

1:42 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


5:59 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uh, you might want to rethink the Phoenix routing and go through Flagstaff. At any rate, try to cross the desert at night, it's really, really hot this time of year.

9:04 PM


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